Lisa Fletcher

Lisa Fletcher graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria, BC in 2014 at which time she was honoured with receiving The Lindsay Atkinson-Duncan Memorial Award for, “Outstanding qualities of kindness, perseverance and human spirit”. Since then, she has enjoyed busy and satisfying practices in Squamish and Qualicum Bay, BC, and Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Lisa adores being a Massage Therapist, sharing her skill set, and holding space for her clients. As a member of Senior Administration at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, she enjoys supporting the wonderful Student Interns and Clinic Instructors as the Clinical Practicum Manager at the Victoria campus.

Coming from a background assisting with emergency veterinary care, Lisa brings along with her extensive R.M.T. education, a deeper understanding, and appreciation, as well as hands on experience of the living body, and its dysfunction and dis-ease processes.

Lisa believes that positive therapeutic touch is of utmost importance for mental and emotional well being and incorporates this philosophy into all of her treatments. Specific modalities used by Lisa in addition to more conventional approaches include, post-mastectomy therapy, breathwork, visualization, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization and low impact joint mobilizations. Lisa is honoured to have worked with members of her lgbtq2s+ community over the past 10 years, and her practice is an inclusive, safe space for those seeking pre/post/non-op and supportive, experienced care, from a Registered Massage Therapist.

Lisa endeavours to provide a compassionate haven for those living with a myriad of life experiences. Including but not limited to; depression, anxiety, PTSD, dysphoria, and body dysmorphia.\

Animals, nature, and family (blood and chosen) are among Lisa’s top passions in life. In her off time, she enjoys exploring the forest and ocean line, impromptu road trips, snowshoeing, puzzles, camping, reading, and obsessively keeping an eye on the live bear cams of Katmai, Alaska.

She enjoys helping her clients regain confidence, range of motion, decrease mental and emotional stress, and manage the varied pathologies and life experiences benefited by massage therapy. Lisa looks forward to joining the compassionate and talented Atlas family, and most of all, You!

**Lisa does NOT accept ICBC or WCB claims.**